Sunday, January 30, 2005




I had a really really really really really awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hence all of these !

So ya, i went to Edmonton with my lovely married friends Rebecca and Leanne. It was a great roadtrip. ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though we only left for a day and a nite it was still amazing. What a rush. We stayed at this guys house. I didnt know him but Rebecca did and it was kind of weird. He and his roomate were really nice, but ya know, i had never met them and then all of the sudden were going to the bar with them and spending the nite at their house. Which was freekishly clean by the way. But ya. The ride back was soooooooooooooooo funny. I wont tell you the details, but we all had fun. not in a lesbian way or anything, which none of you were probably thinking until i said something. heh. ANYWAY. we have a lot of inside jokes because of it though. At this point in my entry i would just like to state again, that at this point, i never want to get married. so we get back into town and Rebeccas husband has locked the door and was all upset because she left and blah blah blah, it was rather LAME. but then we played this board game called, "pass out" and it was hilarious. Hes funny drunk. Leanne and i stayed up all nite watching movies, well, she stayed up, i passed out at about 4 am. And today was awesome as well cuz we went out for coffee with Andrew and hes awesome. hes such a sweet heart. ill just leave it at that. but anyway, thats pretty much my weekend, i have skipped over some things but its probably better that way!

ttfn, Jiggy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

so i was supposed to be able to run/drive far far away... but my ship wont be sailing. i was sooo close to being gone and now i have to stay in this fucking thing. my hands feel like their detached from my body. and no, i havent been drinking. especially not before my last diploma... for this semester anyway. i want to leave. i want to go somewhere where noone knows the phone number or how to get there and just be able to have a smoke and read a book in silence. theres not a soul around. but then id just get lonely. i maintain that this is a curse. i have some pretty good arguments... maybe ill share them someday.

I dont tell my mom that i love her enough. Tonite she was helping me study and she said something funny then i said something funny and we both started laughing so hard that we started to cry. I dont know what id do without moments like that.

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The trees shake angry fingers at the sky......................

so i have this headache. only its not really a headache, but more of a... umm... how shall i explain. its as though there is a clamp around my head and then a brick or two on top. its kinda funny cuz it makes my eyes want to cross. lol. i believe its cause is a mix of the weather and whatever seems to be going through my head lately. its hard to explain where these thoughts come from. Perhaps supressed memories. I dont know what to do. They never fully go away. Am i being stupid? is this more important for some mysterious reason than i see it? im thinking people are going crazy... its probably just me. not that its a big deal. everyone goes a little crazy sometimes. its healthy. except for Lauryns crazy... thats just Whack! jk. so ya... i really like playing around with my mp3 player. i have to get it prepped for the trip. and plus i can listen to it whenever i want, like now.

ttfn, Jiggy...

The song is: Done Wrong ~ Ani DiFranco
The mood is: numb...

Have i mentioned that i hate my hair and want to chop it all off? well not all of it. but a lot. its in an in between stage and it bothers me. and also, i hung out with Ian and Dustin last nite. Just them. it was awesome. I miss them and i actually got to see them without their wives. Just like old times. I knew i couldnt have the best of both worlds though. i would really like to understand, but i dont. and i fear i never will. how can i if its going to be like this? Think about it.
you know its all i can think about. thanks.

ttfn again... i guess. Have a good night.

that thought turned into 6 pages. im not putting it up here because its just too real for this blog and too informative. the more i wrote the more i discovered. about myself and the things that i feel i have to do. i feel i have to because i would be nothing if i didnt.

well, i feel as though i am going to vomit.

ttfn, Jaryd

ps: the thought was that i see people now the way they will be. it turned into a few different things but eventually it all tied together.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Hidey ho neighbor...

so... im so lame sometimes. do you know that i just realized that FAQ's stands for Frequently asked questions? i didnt think anyone else knew that, whew, i feel much better now!

i do have a thought to expand on. but i feel i must use a pen and paper to document this one, cuz it could be good. and its so much less lame if i form this thought physically. well, at least i think so. Ill put it up if its any good or if any of you should be so priviledged to read it. heh, just kidding.

ttfn, Jiggy...

Monday, January 17, 2005

ok, so im super happy. duper de duper de happy. I dont know why, i just realized that i have nothing to really complain about. I have friends that love me, im not fighting with my family, i like my job, im doing well in school and i have a nice boy to spend some time with. *enter girlie sigh here*

the end.

ttfn, Super Jiggy!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

hey hey!

so i made some new icons cuz i was bored... the first one is for Tristan!

and one for Lauryn!

and other ones that i just sort of like!

so ya... i should probably hit the hay cuz of my social diploma tomorrow... *sigh*

nite nite...

So... what does a person whos writing half of her diploma do the day before her exam?? She changes her blog a bit. I looked a other templates but they are uglay, so i stuck with this one. I was considering the completely pink one... but uh. not really feeling the pink today. So i just looked through some quotes and changed the title and then i read some sonnets, cuz im a hopeless romantic, and i picked out one... i rather enjoy Shakespeare. not that anyone is really surprised, but well, ya know. Anyway, thats pretty much it. I feel much better today in almost all areas. i said almost. but i came home and slept in my own bed. which was lovely. Ive been having weird dreams lately... not like gross weird, just weird. anyway. im going to hop in the shower and go for coffee with Dustin and his gf... in his words, "ive invited you out 3 times and youve blown me off everytime" wow, that wasnt supposed to sound as dirty as it did. Anyway, its not that i do it intentionally... its just that my life doesnt revolve around him and Ian like it once did. I still love them, but im not gonna sit around waiting for them to call me. *sigh* how things change.

ttfn, Jaryd

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Hey there kids.... i had an interesting couple of days. and it all ended with the 2 lil fishes fighting each other... not so good times, but theyll just have to learn to live together. *bubble*

So apparently, and its true, i havent been around much lately. I must admit that i may have been running away a bit. but not a lot. it could have been a lot worse. Anyway, i spent the last few days at my friend Rebeccas from school and it was good times. Its funny that shes married and we have lil sleepovers. heh. Her husband Gary and i get along really well though. sometimes we say the same things at the same time. hes hilarious. Gary loves Halo 2 by the way, and i have never played and my choices were, sleep or Halo 2 (well not exactly, cuz i could have just asked him to not play and that would have been ok). So needless to say i played it and once i got the controller down and started killing Gary it was fun... i mean... uh... I DID NOT SAY THAT ;) Then Leanne (Garys sister) and her friend came over and we played them a game, and we totally whooped ass. cranium is fun times. Rebecca, Gary and her brother Andrew and i watched some Chris Rock... hes hilarious. and they rented Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle. that movie is funny. soooooooo dumb, but funny.

thats pretty much it besides the fact that i need a slurpee... *sigh*

ttfn, Jiggy...

Monday, January 10, 2005

PS: stop reading into things, Foo. thats right, i just called myself a "foo"... which is something like the cool way of saying fool. or is it the coo way? heh.

also, the counter on my blog is broken, so if anyone feels like counting all of my blogs to let me know how many i have, that would be awesome!

thanks a bunch!

ttfn, Jaryd
***Note to Self*** In an act of desperation, do not seek council in Dustin and ask for his help. Wait, let me correct that. Just dont ask for his help. Because when you decide to just let it slide you will forget to tell him not to help and that you thought about it by yourself and he need not intervene.

*sigh*... i forgot to tell Dustin i didnt want his help anymore. Although, he probably would have tried to help anyway, because he is one of my protectors. im still going to sigh about it though. Cuz now i have to deal with a bigger issue than the one i had already dealt with on my own. Way to go me!

In other news!

I got 100% on my social essay. Im proud of it. Its possibly one of the best things ive ever written. even if you dont count the mark. I was still proud of it before i got it back. anyway. go me and Jeff! ;)

I think thats pretty much all for now.

ttfn, Jiggy

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

For some reason... theres just something that i cant quite put my finger on. heh. well, you know. its just different. it could work. hmm.. maybe im just kidding like i always am. but im telling you this one... different.

ttfn, Jiggy

Monday, January 03, 2005

i wanted to get rid of my raaaar post... it was in the way :)

The song is Shoop... i wanna shoop...
i have just given up on my homework for bio... gah. i dont care. its horrible, i just want to be done! Anyway, i have too much on my mind to concentrate on one thing. Fuck. Dustin needs to help me. I will wait 3 damn nites, then i will finish what he started. meow.

I dont know what to say... I have lots to say, but i just dont know where to start!!!!!!!!!

ttfn, Jiggy

Mood: Freaking out... :S
The voices are singing: Blinded by Rainbows ~ The Rolling Stones...
ICON! stolen from Nexopia again... :

Is this a surprise to anyone? It certainly isnt to me!

YOUR CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES: Your childhood experiences show that you are an Isolator. This means that as a child, you grew up in a family of loving parents -- who could also be described as overprotective at times. You were probably surrounded by a large, loving family and raised by very hands-on parents who doted on you.However, there is a drawback to being given so much affection as a child. It may have been overbearing at times. In fact, your parents' good intentions may have been smothering, leaving you longing for your own personal space.
YOUR PERFECT PARTNER: Your perfect partner is actually your opposite type, a Fuser. You may have guessed just the reverse, that your best match would be someone who gives you all the space and freedom you crave. But "happily ever after" for you means partnering with someone who dotes on you, someone who shows his affection and expresses his emotions easily and often, much like your parents did.

On a different note i was sitting in my car chatting with Lauryn and all of the sudden i heard this cell phone beep. I assumed it was Lauryns, but it sounded an awful lot like mine. So i inquired "is that your cell phone?" ***skips the part where i freak out and frantically dig through my car, which is mostly clean.*** Then i found my cell phone wedged in the back of my seat!!! YAY FOR ME!... so now i have my cell phone. the end.

hmm? perhaps an icon is due?

Mood: indescribable
i can hear: the news... Bill Marks is so totally hot. lol
icon!!! YAY!(from Nexopia)

Sunday, January 02, 2005

So... 2005. Im not sure what i should say about the past couple of days. New years eve was good times, as it should be. But yesterday was... interesting to say the least. If these first couple of days are any indication of how my year will be going i must say that i am intrigued. sort of. Something else, related to the above. I dreamt last nite in a dream once. It was incredibly accurate. Either that or its dejavu... that happens to me a lot. but im sure that it already happened or i dreamt it. whatever.

I go into the new year with one less "bestfriend", no cell phone, and a conundrum that i have sort of created... well, i only helped a little. stupid conundrums. i cant really lose this one though. either way i think ill be happy :) and yay for that.

Cheers for the year to come!

ttfn, Jiggy

(im going to be a dork and just start adding in these things.)

Mood: Anxious
Listening to: Kiss the Rain ~ Billy Myers

PS: there was a documentary called "Pimps Up, Ho's Down" i thought it was funny. apparently no one else did. :D