Saturday, January 15, 2005

Hey there kids.... i had an interesting couple of days. and it all ended with the 2 lil fishes fighting each other... not so good times, but theyll just have to learn to live together. *bubble*

So apparently, and its true, i havent been around much lately. I must admit that i may have been running away a bit. but not a lot. it could have been a lot worse. Anyway, i spent the last few days at my friend Rebeccas from school and it was good times. Its funny that shes married and we have lil sleepovers. heh. Her husband Gary and i get along really well though. sometimes we say the same things at the same time. hes hilarious. Gary loves Halo 2 by the way, and i have never played and my choices were, sleep or Halo 2 (well not exactly, cuz i could have just asked him to not play and that would have been ok). So needless to say i played it and once i got the controller down and started killing Gary it was fun... i mean... uh... I DID NOT SAY THAT ;) Then Leanne (Garys sister) and her friend came over and we played them a game, and we totally whooped ass. cranium is fun times. Rebecca, Gary and her brother Andrew and i watched some Chris Rock... hes hilarious. and they rented Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle. that movie is funny. soooooooo dumb, but funny.

thats pretty much it besides the fact that i need a slurpee... *sigh*

ttfn, Jiggy...


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