Sunday, January 02, 2005

So... 2005. Im not sure what i should say about the past couple of days. New years eve was good times, as it should be. But yesterday was... interesting to say the least. If these first couple of days are any indication of how my year will be going i must say that i am intrigued. sort of. Something else, related to the above. I dreamt last nite in a dream once. It was incredibly accurate. Either that or its dejavu... that happens to me a lot. but im sure that it already happened or i dreamt it. whatever.

I go into the new year with one less "bestfriend", no cell phone, and a conundrum that i have sort of created... well, i only helped a little. stupid conundrums. i cant really lose this one though. either way i think ill be happy :) and yay for that.

Cheers for the year to come!

ttfn, Jiggy

(im going to be a dork and just start adding in these things.)

Mood: Anxious
Listening to: Kiss the Rain ~ Billy Myers

PS: there was a documentary called "Pimps Up, Ho's Down" i thought it was funny. apparently no one else did. :D


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