Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The trees shake angry fingers at the sky......................

so i have this headache. only its not really a headache, but more of a... umm... how shall i explain. its as though there is a clamp around my head and then a brick or two on top. its kinda funny cuz it makes my eyes want to cross. lol. i believe its cause is a mix of the weather and whatever seems to be going through my head lately. its hard to explain where these thoughts come from. Perhaps supressed memories. I dont know what to do. They never fully go away. Am i being stupid? is this more important for some mysterious reason than i see it? im thinking people are going crazy... its probably just me. not that its a big deal. everyone goes a little crazy sometimes. its healthy. except for Lauryns crazy... thats just Whack! jk. so ya... i really like playing around with my mp3 player. i have to get it prepped for the trip. and plus i can listen to it whenever i want, like now.

ttfn, Jiggy...

The song is: Done Wrong ~ Ani DiFranco
The mood is: numb...

Have i mentioned that i hate my hair and want to chop it all off? well not all of it. but a lot. its in an in between stage and it bothers me. and also, i hung out with Ian and Dustin last nite. Just them. it was awesome. I miss them and i actually got to see them without their wives. Just like old times. I knew i couldnt have the best of both worlds though. i would really like to understand, but i dont. and i fear i never will. how can i if its going to be like this? Think about it.
you know its all i can think about. thanks.

ttfn again... i guess. Have a good night.


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