Sunday, January 23, 2005

Hidey ho neighbor...

so... im so lame sometimes. do you know that i just realized that FAQ's stands for Frequently asked questions? i didnt think anyone else knew that, whew, i feel much better now!

i do have a thought to expand on. but i feel i must use a pen and paper to document this one, cuz it could be good. and its so much less lame if i form this thought physically. well, at least i think so. Ill put it up if its any good or if any of you should be so priviledged to read it. heh, just kidding.

ttfn, Jiggy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this a "just kidding...not really...seriously though" kind of comment Jaryd? You know you can call me anytime to chat and have me as a sounding board to help sort things out.
WATCH GARDEN STATE! Your life will all of the sudden make sense after. Just kidding. Not really....Seriously though!

7:41 p.m., January 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this a "just kidding...not really...seriously though" kind of comment Jaryd? You know you can call me anytime to chat and have me as a sounding board to help sort things out.
WATCH GARDEN STATE! Your life will all of the sudden make sense after. Just kidding. Not really....Seriously though!

7:41 p.m., January 24, 2005  

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