Monday, January 10, 2005

***Note to Self*** In an act of desperation, do not seek council in Dustin and ask for his help. Wait, let me correct that. Just dont ask for his help. Because when you decide to just let it slide you will forget to tell him not to help and that you thought about it by yourself and he need not intervene.

*sigh*... i forgot to tell Dustin i didnt want his help anymore. Although, he probably would have tried to help anyway, because he is one of my protectors. im still going to sigh about it though. Cuz now i have to deal with a bigger issue than the one i had already dealt with on my own. Way to go me!

In other news!

I got 100% on my social essay. Im proud of it. Its possibly one of the best things ive ever written. even if you dont count the mark. I was still proud of it before i got it back. anyway. go me and Jeff! ;)

I think thats pretty much all for now.

ttfn, Jiggy


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