Sunday, January 16, 2005

So... what does a person whos writing half of her diploma do the day before her exam?? She changes her blog a bit. I looked a other templates but they are uglay, so i stuck with this one. I was considering the completely pink one... but uh. not really feeling the pink today. So i just looked through some quotes and changed the title and then i read some sonnets, cuz im a hopeless romantic, and i picked out one... i rather enjoy Shakespeare. not that anyone is really surprised, but well, ya know. Anyway, thats pretty much it. I feel much better today in almost all areas. i said almost. but i came home and slept in my own bed. which was lovely. Ive been having weird dreams lately... not like gross weird, just weird. anyway. im going to hop in the shower and go for coffee with Dustin and his gf... in his words, "ive invited you out 3 times and youve blown me off everytime" wow, that wasnt supposed to sound as dirty as it did. Anyway, its not that i do it intentionally... its just that my life doesnt revolve around him and Ian like it once did. I still love them, but im not gonna sit around waiting for them to call me. *sigh* how things change.

ttfn, Jaryd


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