Monday, January 03, 2005

Is this a surprise to anyone? It certainly isnt to me!

YOUR CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES: Your childhood experiences show that you are an Isolator. This means that as a child, you grew up in a family of loving parents -- who could also be described as overprotective at times. You were probably surrounded by a large, loving family and raised by very hands-on parents who doted on you.However, there is a drawback to being given so much affection as a child. It may have been overbearing at times. In fact, your parents' good intentions may have been smothering, leaving you longing for your own personal space.
YOUR PERFECT PARTNER: Your perfect partner is actually your opposite type, a Fuser. You may have guessed just the reverse, that your best match would be someone who gives you all the space and freedom you crave. But "happily ever after" for you means partnering with someone who dotes on you, someone who shows his affection and expresses his emotions easily and often, much like your parents did.

On a different note i was sitting in my car chatting with Lauryn and all of the sudden i heard this cell phone beep. I assumed it was Lauryns, but it sounded an awful lot like mine. So i inquired "is that your cell phone?" ***skips the part where i freak out and frantically dig through my car, which is mostly clean.*** Then i found my cell phone wedged in the back of my seat!!! YAY FOR ME!... so now i have my cell phone. the end.

hmm? perhaps an icon is due?

Mood: indescribable
i can hear: the news... Bill Marks is so totally hot. lol
icon!!! YAY!(from Nexopia)


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