Sunday, January 30, 2005




I had a really really really really really awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hence all of these !

So ya, i went to Edmonton with my lovely married friends Rebecca and Leanne. It was a great roadtrip. ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though we only left for a day and a nite it was still amazing. What a rush. We stayed at this guys house. I didnt know him but Rebecca did and it was kind of weird. He and his roomate were really nice, but ya know, i had never met them and then all of the sudden were going to the bar with them and spending the nite at their house. Which was freekishly clean by the way. But ya. The ride back was soooooooooooooooo funny. I wont tell you the details, but we all had fun. not in a lesbian way or anything, which none of you were probably thinking until i said something. heh. ANYWAY. we have a lot of inside jokes because of it though. At this point in my entry i would just like to state again, that at this point, i never want to get married. so we get back into town and Rebeccas husband has locked the door and was all upset because she left and blah blah blah, it was rather LAME. but then we played this board game called, "pass out" and it was hilarious. Hes funny drunk. Leanne and i stayed up all nite watching movies, well, she stayed up, i passed out at about 4 am. And today was awesome as well cuz we went out for coffee with Andrew and hes awesome. hes such a sweet heart. ill just leave it at that. but anyway, thats pretty much my weekend, i have skipped over some things but its probably better that way!

ttfn, Jiggy!


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