Thursday, December 22, 2005

i need a pick me up...

its soo close to my favourite day of the year. super close, like 40 minutes away... Ya thats right, Christmas Eve Eve is my most favourite day of the year : D no need to tell me, i know im a dork. but i love it.

Gary told me he had a confession to make. he said that he has been looking everywhere for a hippopotamus for me. hehehe. and hes all upset that he cant find one. apparently im not the only one who wants a hippopotamus for Christmas. the Andrew told me that he told Gary to just get me a rhinoceros cuz its the closest thing to it and i said nu uh, no crocodiles or rhinoceros' i only like hippopotamus'.

I saw Helena tonite too... she just had her surgery today. shes sore, but really funny cuz of the pain meds shes on.

OH! my ecs teacher stopped by at work and dropped off a gift for me. surprises are happy. she sorta skipped around some bad news that im trying not to worry about. needless to say im worried.

everyone is vomitting at work.

i need to finish my shopping... GAH

we have a bottle of rum to finish... we should do that : P

ttfn, Jiggy


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