Sunday, November 20, 2005


so last night was so completley refreshing. I went to Gerrys by myself. but after half an hour of writing and listening to music a group of homos came in and sat in the booth acrossed from me and it was so much fun. the one guy Wade, was flipping through the mini juke boxes and found the whole emaculate conception cd... and then when the songs came on, he grabbed his fork and used it as an earpeice to lip sync into. soooo funny. I feel much better. And Ryan made me laugh lots. Hes pretty cool. Thats pretty much it. by which i mean, Im reading Voltaire. I thought it would be sort of a difficult read, but its actually not. im really enjoying it! yay for good books! now that is all.

Its really quite fucking shitty. im so angry that all you need is that one person in you life to make it complete. meanwhile the rest of us wait for the day youll return a fucking phone call. asshole.

ttfn, Jiggy


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