Sunday, December 11, 2005

i cant formulate a title, sorry...

i had this really cool conversation today. theres this guy who i see all the time and today he sat down for coffee and it was awesome. we talked about lots of things too. i always forget how much i enjoy meeting new people. sometimes i get too trapped in my own little bubble, then i meet someone and they expand it. that makes me happy.

holy hell yesterday was fucked up. i had fun and then i had a bit of a breakdown. i just had this feeling inside me that said, stop drinking in case you have to leave. and then later, i ran. i dont know what i was running from, but i drove away as fast as i could. then i wrote. i vomitted words on many pages. too many pages. then i went back, because i always go back. one day maybe i wont. at any rate, i saw the bright rainbow lights (which i enjoyed thoroughly) then i met some people that i knew and some i didnt, which was fun until i had that weird energy take over, then i had a meltdown (that was not fun), i was actually instructed to be happy, it was kinda funny but i think you had to be there, then i fell asleep on the floor in an apartment ive never been in to the sounds of Dr. Jones. If i hadnt been up for almost 24 hours straight i totally would have finished it. Indiana Jones is such a player, heh.

i saw Just Friends tonight and it was so funny : P

yesterday time stopped for a minute. well it felt like a minute. not sure how i feel about it.

umm... i dont know.

ttfn, Jiggyish


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