Wednesday, November 16, 2005

look in my eyes, you're killing me, killing me

Apparently behind this glow i seem to have aquired lies some anger... i sat in a cafe today and i wrote, the first thing i wrote was about what an idiot i am and the second thing i wrote was how angry i am. or was. not sure. part of me wants to fight. but i know that that time has past. i chose to suppress my anger and now the time is not right. im fairly angry at another situation. actually im really fucking angry. apparently one of my friends is forbidden to see me. i considered going to her house and screaming at him. he makes me so fucking angry. and i dont know how many times i can pick her up from some random location bawling because they got into a fight/he hit her/called her a cunt. sometimes i consider just ending their marriage for them. but i am fully aware that its not my place. *sigh*

i returned my shiny thing today... it makes me a little sad. but i bought a different one. heh :D it still involves my 3 favourite things, but in a different way.

i dunno, im sure i did more than that today, but for some reason... nope thats all i did.

ttfn, Jaryd


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