Wednesday, November 16, 2005

an awesome wake up call!

DAVE PHONED ME TODAY!!!! from Ottawa!! he talked to me while he was standing on parliment hill and i told him he should assasinate the new governer general, heh. That made me so happy that he phoned me... i miss him.

ttfn, Jiggy : )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assasinate the GG?
Dude, what do you have against Michaƫlle Jean?


8:32 a.m., November 17, 2005  
Blogger Jiggy said...

my sentiments exactly, he just got to the comment first. it has nothing to do with her personally. just the idea of her is completely outdated and wasteful. the first thing he said after that was, "why? shes kind of hot" not, why? shes kind of useful.


11:23 p.m., November 17, 2005  
Blogger Jiggy said...


11:25 p.m., November 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Governor General is useful, though. She's a cultural diplomat and she extends Canada's goodwill into other countries. A lot of countries think good things about us because of what our Governor General(s) have done. International relations don't work when its just a bunch of political scientists walking around and being weird.

6:59 p.m., November 18, 2005  
Blogger Jiggy said...

it is not the title that does all of those things. the title grants them an outrageously large budget for no reason and gives off the impression that the majority of Canadians have some kind of loyalty to England and Queen, who herself is just a figurehead. Do schools in Canada still sing "God Save the Queen"? No. What we actually need is a CANADIAN made position that is only given money to cover plane tickets and the basic needs. We don't need some British Rep signing our bills and representing a country that is a soviergn nation. Also, call me crazy, but when those RCMP officers were murdered a few months back, it was completely inappropriate of Ms. Clarkson to leave the country instead of attending their memorials. If her "good will" does so much then she could have sent a raincheck to whatever country was more important and they would have understood. You cant help other countries unless your own is in good working order and that position is only one of many things that are still messed up in Canadas politcal system. She is dispensible.

1:07 a.m., November 19, 2005  

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