Friday, October 07, 2005

i held your hand through all these years

well... i have just finished two 12 hour work days... ill see all the money in a month... i keep telling myself that. Ive had a rough week, but i shall tell you about the highlights. I wrote my initials on the corner of 12th ave and 5th street in wet cement. hehehe. i saw a man... a seemingly straight man, in the tightest white pants i have ever seen with a geraldo riviera mustache. he walked the stiff pants walk. i found out that someone i had already known for a day i had known for over a year. today in the car (this is not really the same topic, just a statement) i heard my immortal on the radio, then i changed the station and heard, breathe, and changed it again and heard lightening crashes. a rain drop fell in my eye today. i saw a choo choo train. i grew up more this week than any other week before. ever. i am sleepy. im going away. i saw a dear friends heart break, then made her laugh her belly laugh. missed a puddle.

ttfn, Jiggy.


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