Sunday, September 18, 2005

the bass was so high that my arm hairs shook...

I am tired of feeling guilty.
Sometimes I want to just get in my car and drive forever.
Speaking of forever, I would like my forever back...
I have found where all the big black men hang out on friday nights.
I have "sweet curls".
I had a weird weekend.
Last night I looked up at the sky and figured out why it's been so weird, two words... Full... Moon.
I have a mental block about it.
I closed my eyes for a moment yesterday and I saw the face of someone I haven't met yet. I'll let you know when I do.
I am going to take a class or two in painting and sculpting because that makes me happy.
I have a song to paint on my wall.
After a night of dancing... i sorta hurt all over... but in a good way.
Im tired.

ttfn, Jiggy


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