Monday, September 12, 2005

brown to red to blonde to brown to red...


my parents finally ordered my grad photo and it arrived today... i would just like to thank you Lauryn for picking the only picture that my tongue is visible in... i think its funny. its much like my head shot. except im in a blue gown... my hair is so blonde... lol. Heh... the photographer was so fun, and as a joke i asked if i could put the book upside down, and i completely forgot about it. so if you look close you can see the words upside down, hehehehe. and my tongue.

im very tired. i do not enjoy split shifts...

i have a feeling of freedom growing inside of me. i dont know how it got there. but i find that im fighting it. i dont know why or which side will win. but its definately there and i dont know how i feel about it.

ttfn, Jiggy : )


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