Sunday, September 25, 2005

I met someone new!!! *claps*

I met a beautiful person today
I had to stop and say wow
you are everything she said
and she has no idea how much there is of you
you seem endless
when you look you actually see
when you speak you communicate
when you smile everyone else follows
I rounded the corner and knew it was you
you exude a certain unmistakable energy
that I don't believe will ever be matched
I feel flabergasted

So I went out with Ricia and met this beautiful guy. I don't even mean hot, I mean beautiful. He was like soul food and I had such a great time. I sort of gave up for awhile. I forgot how much i love meeting new people. I kept zoning out and tuning into something else, his energy, and I would get lost in him. Just who he is, he's captivating. I can't explain it. I didn't even understand it, until I met him. I understand him. He did something this evening and I knew exactly where he was. wow. he has no idea how amazing he is. His soul is beautiful. the end..

Im sleepy. Good night.

ttfn, Jiggy : )


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