Wednesday, September 28, 2005

falling from the stars

what would you do if i told you i loved you
if i said that you are the only one i think of
if you were the center of my universe
and the rain in my sky
they all fall for awhile
then they leave for mysteries
sometimes i feel like a short stop
you are the flight and i am the stop over
the place of waiting
the place of brushed teeth and spit baths
of random strangers and watching cabs
i stand silently with all my secrets
with all the memories and all the experiance
when will what i remember become my experiances
if i make a move in the hopeless direction
i never take my hand off the peice
only so i can retreat back to what i know
now im just rambling...

how about i tell you about my day.

it was pretty good actually.

i got my haircut, gave a present, saw someone i missed, hugged someone i missed, made plans with someone that i missed, therefore soon i wont have to miss them anymore, got a present, saw the beautiful person, laughed a lot, hugged the beautiful person.

i should mention that when i say someone is beautiful, i mean their soul, or who they are, or how they make me feel. most of the time, like this time, its on a friendship level only. its just the feeling i get and i know that i have to have them in my life because they are genuinely amazing. just had to clairfy that. heh, i need a clarica agent to follow me around. lol.

ttfn, Jiggy : )


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