Thursday, September 01, 2005

tangled up and spun around like the truth inside a liar

so ive seen a couple movies, both were enjoyable. i had fun at both with the people i went with. i think ive made a new friend. shes 10 years older than me, but pretty awesome. so now i have 5 of them... who will go first? lol, im kidding, im pretty happy about having them all. i bought a couple new cds, Healthy in Paranoid Times, Our Lady Peace and the best of Rent. yay! AND BSB CONCERT IN FIVE MORE SLEEPS! it shall mark the end of an interesting summer... its been almost 2 months since my cruise.. thats crazy. i dunno. i have lots of time off to think and to analyze the past few months. and ill clean too. i was thinking about having a bbq but i dont think that will happen. i just wanted a steak, so i will make one for myself at a later date. its been a week and a half since my parents left. its weird how time flies when theyre gone. i guess thats it. not really though, cuz this year, well summer, people from every aspect of my life have left. hmm, i should really do some writting.

ttfn, Jiggy...


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