Monday, August 29, 2005

you are so predictable...


today i had a split shift. i worked from 8-11 then went to fountain tire to get my tires fixed. it took 2 hours, so i hung out in the mall for an hour, then went outside and sat on a bench for the other half. i wrote an angry something while listening to music. it was good times. then i went home for a bit and discovered that Our Lady Peace is in town on the seventh... who wants to go with me? DO IT! ld;fjlajsdfl;ksjdl;fskfjl.ajsk.jlfd. if i have to i will go by myself, but i would rather go with someone :D the tickets are $25... anyway, then i went back to work, which was interesting. one of the tills crashed so i had to call the pos help desk... the guy on the other end was talking to me and he told me it would take awhile to re boot the system etc. when you call this help place you have to give them your name, position, store number, etc. so we were waiting for the computer and he asks me how the weather is in calgary. then he tells me his life story and asks if i know his friend who is "popular"... long story short, eww, i feel violated. so la dee da i close the store and i see that there is a message on my cell phone. it was from someone i didnt expect to hear from ever again. and as such, hahahaha, i win, etc and so forth. heh. people are funny.

im supposed to be leaving this weekend... but uh... i have no information. i would really like some info soon so that i can prepare... please :)

ttfn, Jiggy


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