Wednesday, September 28, 2005

falling from the stars

what would you do if i told you i loved you
if i said that you are the only one i think of
if you were the center of my universe
and the rain in my sky
they all fall for awhile
then they leave for mysteries
sometimes i feel like a short stop
you are the flight and i am the stop over
the place of waiting
the place of brushed teeth and spit baths
of random strangers and watching cabs
i stand silently with all my secrets
with all the memories and all the experiance
when will what i remember become my experiances
if i make a move in the hopeless direction
i never take my hand off the peice
only so i can retreat back to what i know
now im just rambling...

how about i tell you about my day.

it was pretty good actually.

i got my haircut, gave a present, saw someone i missed, hugged someone i missed, made plans with someone that i missed, therefore soon i wont have to miss them anymore, got a present, saw the beautiful person, laughed a lot, hugged the beautiful person.

i should mention that when i say someone is beautiful, i mean their soul, or who they are, or how they make me feel. most of the time, like this time, its on a friendship level only. its just the feeling i get and i know that i have to have them in my life because they are genuinely amazing. just had to clairfy that. heh, i need a clarica agent to follow me around. lol.

ttfn, Jiggy : )

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I met someone new!!! *claps*

I met a beautiful person today
I had to stop and say wow
you are everything she said
and she has no idea how much there is of you
you seem endless
when you look you actually see
when you speak you communicate
when you smile everyone else follows
I rounded the corner and knew it was you
you exude a certain unmistakable energy
that I don't believe will ever be matched
I feel flabergasted

So I went out with Ricia and met this beautiful guy. I don't even mean hot, I mean beautiful. He was like soul food and I had such a great time. I sort of gave up for awhile. I forgot how much i love meeting new people. I kept zoning out and tuning into something else, his energy, and I would get lost in him. Just who he is, he's captivating. I can't explain it. I didn't even understand it, until I met him. I understand him. He did something this evening and I knew exactly where he was. wow. he has no idea how amazing he is. His soul is beautiful. the end..

Im sleepy. Good night.

ttfn, Jiggy : )

Friday, September 23, 2005

please pick up the phone, i wanted you to know

I drove right through a dream today, everything was oranged and shinied. and i swear time slowed down like it does in my dream so that one dream seems to last the entire night and i wondered what was happening because i sorta zoned out but alas i spoke of my waking dream and then i was back in the moment. it was an odd feeling. its not like i had previously dreamed it, it was like it was a dream that was happening while i was awake. i dont know if i make any sense but it honestly felt like i was in a dream. oooo maybe someone had a dream about me at that exact moment. wouldnt it be weird if when other people dreamed of you, you would actually be in their dream. Maybe not doing what their dreaming but just getting the feeling that ur in a dream. i dont know what im saying.

we won the football game. it was cold. but we won. we won with our THIRD STRING quarterback... *sigH* capital H. for show : )

Lauryn, i work til ten on friday, but i am in dire need of conversing with you...

Today you said, something fierce, and i thought of Tegan and Sara. weird of you to mention those words together because i have never heard them together in everyday speakness.

I intimidate some boys because im female and know more about football then they do. whatever.

im sleepy...

ttfn, Jiggy.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Sometimes i look at pictures and think why? Why was i so happy in that moment? you can tell the real from fake and sometimes i forget why. i wonder what i was thinking at the that exact moment. where did i lose that feeling. at what point along the way did i forget why and what. maybe its because i held on so tightly to that perfect moment in time and now that its gone i cant ever get it back. everything else is a copy like im living in a power point presentation of what that was like. power point makes me sleepy. everywhere i go i live in that mini feature film and i cant shake it off. it feels as though im standing infront of a brick wall and i see whats on the other side but im so focused on whats lost in front of me that i cant push through it. i had a dream that i was stuck on a spiders web and millions of black spiders with red eyes were coming towards me and i couldnt move. stuck. forever. to be devoured by the creatures of my world without them even knowing that its harmful what they do. i like to believe that i have everything that i need but i dont. i only fabricate this life and convince myself that i dont need anything else then what i already have. im starting to realize that i should just take a step instead of averting my eyes but then i think why? im so happy with what i have i couldnt possibly want anything more. its just another wave that i let myself get caught in and i dont know how to move or how to think. maybe its the end.

ttfn, Jaryd

the bass was so high that my arm hairs shook...

I am tired of feeling guilty.
Sometimes I want to just get in my car and drive forever.
Speaking of forever, I would like my forever back...
I have found where all the big black men hang out on friday nights.
I have "sweet curls".
I had a weird weekend.
Last night I looked up at the sky and figured out why it's been so weird, two words... Full... Moon.
I have a mental block about it.
I closed my eyes for a moment yesterday and I saw the face of someone I haven't met yet. I'll let you know when I do.
I am going to take a class or two in painting and sculpting because that makes me happy.
I have a song to paint on my wall.
After a night of dancing... i sorta hurt all over... but in a good way.
Im tired.

ttfn, Jiggy

Monday, September 12, 2005

brown to red to blonde to brown to red...


my parents finally ordered my grad photo and it arrived today... i would just like to thank you Lauryn for picking the only picture that my tongue is visible in... i think its funny. its much like my head shot. except im in a blue gown... my hair is so blonde... lol. Heh... the photographer was so fun, and as a joke i asked if i could put the book upside down, and i completely forgot about it. so if you look close you can see the words upside down, hehehehe. and my tongue.

im very tired. i do not enjoy split shifts...

i have a feeling of freedom growing inside of me. i dont know how it got there. but i find that im fighting it. i dont know why or which side will win. but its definately there and i dont know how i feel about it.

ttfn, Jiggy : )

Thursday, September 08, 2005

if i could hold on through the tears and the laughter

would it be beautiful? or just a beautiful disaster?

i dont care what you say, when a stranger makes the effort to give you a compliment, it makes your day.

i dont really have much to say.

ttfn, Jiggy

Saturday, September 03, 2005

lets all climb the trees and talk to the lizard God...

apparently there are people who believe that lizard people exist... its on the internet, so it must be true!

ttfn, Jiggy

Thursday, September 01, 2005

this is war, now

ya see, sometimes i need to hear the sound of actual words
instead of the sound of lies
it may just be my own insecurities coming through
but i dont think that whats been happening is ok
and i just need to hear and know things for myself
this is driving me insane
i take opinions from everyone
on every topic
but this is it
there are too many maybes and i cant keep walking around
with a smile painted on my face
because i am not happy
im having a good time
but i am not fucking happy

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ttfn, Jaryd

hey, leave a light on for me

i forgot to tell you something! remember that dream i had a couple weeks ago? well it happened. it was like a story line. one thing came true, then a few days later another, and then a couple days ago the last part happened. its weird when stuff like that happens. Doug would just tell me to go with it. *sigh* i dunno. part of me would rather not have a warning system in place. but still, it doesnt mean that i can neccisarily prevent whatevers gonna happen from happening. it just makes me go, OH! so thats what that dream meant... speaking of which i havent written down my dreams in a while. i should really do that. maybe one day i will be able to prevent bad things from happening. we'll see.

ttfn, Jiggy

tangled up and spun around like the truth inside a liar

so ive seen a couple movies, both were enjoyable. i had fun at both with the people i went with. i think ive made a new friend. shes 10 years older than me, but pretty awesome. so now i have 5 of them... who will go first? lol, im kidding, im pretty happy about having them all. i bought a couple new cds, Healthy in Paranoid Times, Our Lady Peace and the best of Rent. yay! AND BSB CONCERT IN FIVE MORE SLEEPS! it shall mark the end of an interesting summer... its been almost 2 months since my cruise.. thats crazy. i dunno. i have lots of time off to think and to analyze the past few months. and ill clean too. i was thinking about having a bbq but i dont think that will happen. i just wanted a steak, so i will make one for myself at a later date. its been a week and a half since my parents left. its weird how time flies when theyre gone. i guess thats it. not really though, cuz this year, well summer, people from every aspect of my life have left. hmm, i should really do some writting.

ttfn, Jiggy...