Wednesday, July 13, 2005

If i were a tree...

i have a sunburn.
i worked from 10-330 then went to volunteer at a bbq to face paint.
i got free beer for doing so.
My manager loves me.
I get my car back next week.
i am an official keyholder for the store.
i took the bus to work today.
apparently i dont have the attention span to do this...
the comment to me that you put still doesnt make sense to me and im still just as lost if not more so now.
i should really go to bed, but i dont work tomorrow so i get to sleep in.
it has occured to me that i wont be able to write about my trip anymore. just know that i had an awesome time despite the flying fruit and i didnt even feel like i was gone that long.
if ur up for it after star wars give me a call :)
the end.

ttfn, Crispy Jiggy


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