Sunday, February 13, 2005

Theres not enough years underneath this belt for me to admit the way that i felt...

1. I wish i had a river.
2. Jolene is a bitch
3. Cowboys was fun last nite, it wasnt the most fun i could have with my boots on, but fun times!
4. I have 2 knew favourite songs: Lucky, Seven Mary Three
Voodoo, Godsmack
They have really awesome voices.....
5. I miss hanging out with my boys
6. I saw this boy last nite that i had a huge crush on a few years ago. hes not as cute as i remember. i wonder why that is. i mean, the whole beer goggle thing doesnt work backwards does it? i probably just painted this obscure picture of him in my mind cuz i hadnt seen him for so long and so when i did see him, he seemed very different. hmm, oh well!
7. I wish i had the strength to follow through with my thoughts and those of others.
8. i deleted an old blog today that no one really knew about. its reason for creation was lame and it was just taking up space on my dashboard.
9. I worked today... it was alright
10. i did my homework
11. im kinda sleepy
12. i give up shopping.......................................!
13. at Cowboys, Dustin spilled a full drink all over himself. LOL. i couldnt stop laughing!!!
14. Happy Valentines Day.


ttfn, Jiggy


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