Sunday, February 06, 2005


i just want you all to know that i didnt mean my last entry to be a reflection on you. i know u guys are here for me and i really appreciate that. Lauryn, i was talking to you about it, and then i wrote, and my entry was in no way directed at you in particular. It was just a generalization. Thank you for your support though, doll. And sorry about this afternoon too, today was just fucked up. I really wanted to go.

in other news, i went to a work partay. There was this incredible lesbian undertone. it was odd. especially cuz there was liquor and a hot tub. but anyway, i feel drained. soooo much estrogen in such a small space. i dont know how girls hang out with girls all the time or even some of the time. the only male there was Marlenes Chiwawa. i know i spelt that really wrong, but im tired. Theres some u's in there too, oh well. Im going to bed to sleep for a long time tomorrow. pfft, ya right.

ttfn, Jaryd...


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