Friday, February 11, 2005

GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD A REVELATION! and not the ice creamy treat. no. ok, ya know how you girls/guys think the hip lines on boys is hot? i figured out why. well, maybe. but it from when we were little! think about it, most of us played with barbies right? but we also had Ken dolls and all hen ever had were those lines. we have been brainwashed by the media and toy companies to believe that is the way it should be from the time we are like 3. we always knew there was supposed to be something more, but all we ever got to see where the lines. this makes sooo much sense to me, cuz ive always thought that those were hot, and Ken could be the cause of that. HAHAHAHAHA! im such a dork, i love it. think about it though, he was pretty much the first guy any of us saw naked. poor Ken... all he has are his hip lines... lol

ttfn, Jaryd!


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