Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Hey there... So I heard today that Renee was talking about me to Kristy. Of course she makes it look like its all my fault her life is shit. I dont think ill ever fully escape her. not even in death. but i will admit that my life has been significantly less stressful for the past month. Oh, and she also kidnapped Isaac for a bit when Josh served her with custody papers. needless to say shes changed.

My new favourite show is House. Its very funny. Im watching right now on the computer. You know that movie that they make you watch in social 30? its called "Swing Kids". i really like it actually. but anyway the main swing kid is like the head guy of this hospital that my favourite show takes place in. you should check it out. its on at 10 on tuesdays... good times.

hmm, what else to say... i went out for coffee with Kristy tonite, it was fun. we stopped at Dustins after and Dustin and I beat each other up. good times again!

i dunno, i guess thats all. nothing really new. I have been having weird dreams lately though. Ive allowed people in my life to create clutter in my consciousness and its been spilling over a bit. It really only frustrates me more. i already have too many decisions to make and now i cant even split up my dreams from reality... thats what my last English teacher always defined craziness with. when the line between fantasy and reality blurs you become crazy. not saying that im crazy or anything *insert akward laugh here* Mr. White was a great teacher.

Oh ya... it rained tonite for a bit :)

ttfn, Jaryd


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