Thursday, September 30, 2004

we take so many things for granted. it all seems to be hitting me at once. everything i thought i knew, everything that was planned, everything that i thought i could do. i dont know.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

so... ive stopped capitalizing my entries. mostly because i dont care to... it takes far to much effort to hold down the shift key with my right pinky and push another key at the same time. and whats the point... its just a journal.

tomorrow, im going to school and hopefully i did well on that bio assignment we did in class... im hoping. then im going to crescent to meet with Mr. J (names are the only thing ill hit the shift key for) and parenthesis apparently too, ok, back on track, im going to see Mr. Jobb and Mr. Kelly tomorrow afternoon, hopefully that will go well. and then im going grochery shopping tomorrow for my Momma... im sad. her MS is getting bad now. she loves grochery shopping, i dont know why, but she does, and now shes just too tired to do it... *sigh*

thats pretty much all, im doing well at school, working well at my new job, perhaps being set up with a co workers im super, thanks for asking :)

ttfn, Jaryd

its soooo freaking purdiful outside... memorial drive west of center street is just lovely. i feel like im in a different city. its like that in renfrew and where Tristan lives, i dont know what area of town that is.... but its to areas with the huge old trees... and soon they will be covered with snow which will also be pretty, but that will mean no more rain. This week may be the last of it. *sigh*

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, September 27, 2004

so... i have worked at penningtons before my official orientation. they woke me up on sunday to murder my feet. it was good times. tonite was my orientation which i missed keystone for, but apparently we didnt do anything anyway. I think it will be fun. Shopping for someone else and making them look good. mmhmm. good times. i bought new shoes today!!! theyre so cute. they ripzones, which i like, and theyre greyish with a touch of pink (heh)... i cant wear pink clothes, so ill put it on my feet. theyre comfy... inspired by my job... cuz damn it im not wearing the black ones there again... BUT I GOT NEW SHOES!!!

thats all... and i got another mark over ninty in social. im excited.

ttfn, Jaryd

borrowed from somewhere on nexopia... :S

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Its been a long time since i wrote anything of value in here. For the most part its just been usless facts to let you all know how and what im doing. And sometimes only half of that. But ive been doing a lot of thinking today. An opportunity has risen and now i have to decide if i will take it. Or if i will try to. I want to. I want to a lot. But i dont know. I do know. But i just dont want to fuck up again. Im doing so well right now and what happens if i fuck it up... Again. I dont know what i would do. I dont want to be a bum and work at sum store for the rest of my life and i know i would do well at chinook. but whos to say that im gonna fuck up again at crescent. I could do it. I know i could do it. I have to, i refuse not to. I cant stand not being in a show. It drives me insane. I dont feel like myself. It sounds lame but a part of me is missing when im not in a show. and its no ones fault but my own. i was stupid. I refuse to let myself fuck up like that. i need to leave and victoria is looking mighty lovely. Anywhere but here... It was good seeing you today.

I got the job by the way. Im happy. And i got it in spite of Jolene. So i win. Theres nothing like winning against her. Even if she doesnt admit it or know it.

ttfn, Jaryd...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


So, tonite, i made a bad decision. I decided to go digging in the past. Not so much digging, but reading. I thought it would be fun to say on this day one year ago _________. Not so much. Lesson learned, moving on.

I cant wait to get my illegal copy of the Killers *cough cough* REMINDER! *cough cough* :D (i hope all went well btw)

I have an interview tomorrow, I REALLY REALLY want to work there. 50% off clothes. That is just happy. I hope i get it.

I started reading a book. Its called Utopia by Sir Thomas More. Its been on my book list for a long time. So im happy. I spoke of socialist ideals when i was in elemtary school. I think thats funny...

Thats pretty much it. Im a loser now without high school. Ian and Dustin and i were talking and we all agreed. All we do, is sleep, go to school and work. Waafuckinghoo.

ttfn, Jiggy....

Friday, September 17, 2004

Soon it will stop raining...


Last nite was really awesome. Katy invited me to come with her and her friends to ladies nite at Coyotes cuz she got a limo package. So that was cool. Events of the evening include, lap dances, nudity, loud music, my first shot of tequila (which was awesome btw), groping, etc. Good times all around!!

I dont really have much to say. Ive been keeping busy with school and such. Ya know, going to football games and watching my fav team lose all the time. Its good. I was gonna stop by Tristans house on the way to the game, but i have a surprise for him and at that time i didnt have it on me. Perhaps some other time. Oh ya, i got a "goody bag" at ladies nite. We all got bed head stuff, which is super awesome hair products, i like them a lot anyway. So ya. word.

Oh the life of an over grad... So simple. So nice. So happy.

ttfn, Jaryd


OH YA! a quote for you to!!!

"Charting the unknown possiblilities of existance." I really liked that...
You are Snoopy!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by

Sunday, September 12, 2004

So, heres the thing. Im really happy. I have no real reason to be, but i figure if nothing is super unhappy, then im gonna be super happy. It works in my mind... and thats all that matters. So ya. Yesterday was busy for me. Lotsa stuff happened. I woke up early to go to a barbeque for the MS society, which was fun, was pissed cuz i had to leave to go to camp chief hecter. My mentor group thing went to do the high ropes course. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we went to climb up poles walk acrossed narrow things and the just let go, and fall. Ya, that was fun. As a result i am in mild pain this am. And i couldnt figure out why because when i got back into town i went to Jeremys party. So when i got home today, i made a comment about why i couldnt figure out why my upper body kinda hurt, and shes like cuz you did the high ropes course yesterday. I had completely forgotten about it. ok, now that i have rambled on about nothing for too long. AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have successfully managed to forget someone!! that sounds horrible. But i needed to. Not completley forgotten, but temporarily. YAY!!!!!!!!!! im proud of me!

ttfn, Super Jiggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heyo... so ya. Im sitting at Jeremys house. Waiting for my momma to come pick me up. There was a party here last nite, but all that remains is, well, pizza boxes and empty bottles. Its good times. I had a good time. Nothing went horribly wrong. Besides when Ian and Kels showed up and Katy and Joe were here. heh. nothing happened, it was just kind of amusing. it was really nice seeing Ian and Dustin though. I miss those kids. Ian wants to take his bat out though. I wish i knew a way to stop that, or even slow it a bit. He soo much like an older brother. A super awesome older brother. :) but anyway, when i get home ill put a icon up and perhaps expand on this somehow.


ttfn, super Jiggy!

Friday, September 10, 2004

So... I, officially, have closed a chapter of my life. And there is no way i can go back now... I mean, for over a year now i go a relive the whole experiance. And just tonite, i realize that that is over. Gone. So i made everything -with the exception of this blog- go poof. All I have now is the memories and how it has changed me. YAY! I feel... liberated. Its not the first time ive done this, but it just feels good.

On a good note as well... I bought The Rocky Horror Picture Show on DVD. IM SO EFFING HAPPY! YAY!

and yet another good note. I made cookies tonite. Melt in your mouth cookies. mmm

I guess i had a pretty good day. I handed out a couple resumes too... so we'll see.

thats all for now...

ttfn, Jiggy!

PS: i did not make any icon that is animated... :)

Thursday, September 09, 2004

SO EXCITED! I have a job... And they just know me. Its awesome. I cant even explain. I met another Artistic Director. Im just excited. NO WORDS... except the next ones.

Uh... i dont remember what i was gonna say!

I wish to give a couple shout outs...

Tristan, yo. STAY CALM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Jeff... i misses you... what with only the onlineness and such... *sigh* tee hee!!

Lauryn... *DOES GIRLY DANCE* im so happy for you!

Em: Gin is not my friend...

Shout outs will be continued later... i must be sleeping.

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Starting at one...

Well, four hundred and one...

Im just sitting here with 15 minutes to kill before i must be off to school. YAY! Im excited. The msn names are funny lately. All about school. Everyone is mildly excited... Some more than others, i wonder how long that will last! Today is tuesday and i hope tonite goes well, because im sooo flattered that Duncan called me. This guy just gives off the vibe of amazingly talented. Its crazy. So ill let you all know how that goes... I dont really have much else to say besides, have a great year and enj... blah blah blah. You know i wish you all the best!

ttfn, Jiggy...

Quote of the Day... "you can't go wrong with water falling from the sky"

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Well everybody. Apparently someone thinks i am a cunt. I dont know who they are because they were to afraid to sign their comment with a name. I think thats funny. I can post up whatever i feel like, so it doesnt really bother me!

and in light of this, i will try to remember to tell you where i retrieved the icons if i didnt make them myself. Ok. Super. Todays icon i made. yay.

Anyway, I cant wait for tuesday, for one, im going back to school, and i have an acting job in the evening. Im looking forward to it! And tomorrow is the Labour Day Classic. I hope thats exciting as well.

Not much more to tell all of you...

ttfn, Jaryd

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Its been decided. I would like you all to note, that i, on my own, decided something. Im going to take voice lessons again. I used to be pretty good... and it will help with my auditions for plays and universities... Im gonna miss the annual plays. They were something to look forward to. AND NOW THEY ARE GONE! AH! i refuse to sit around for a whole year and not do any theatre. I would rather die.

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Heyo. So ive had an interesting few days... Lets recap, yes? (even if you said no, im recapping)

Monday... What did i do monday... Oh ya, i went out for coffee for 3 hours which was good times. **Quote** "You can't go wrong with water falling from the sky"** Then i saw the exorcist with Ian and Dustin and Kelsey... Gah.

Tuesday... I went out for coffee (hmm, pattern?) with people from Keystone which was good, and very very sad. The leader, Joe, who ive known for 10 years is going back to university to become a teacher... Im so sad. This guy is amazing. Hes gonna do great things, but im gonna miss him so much! Then i went to see Without a Paddle, which was sooo funny. Then I went to Crescent Hill, which is so freeking pretty at nite time... :D

Wednesday... I went over to Lauryns for the day. I mean for the day, i havent done that in a while. Gone to someones house for 12 hours and not spent the nite. Crazy, i know... lol. So ya, we hung out, we had a TON to talk about. It was crazy, i think we spent the whole afternoon talking. Then we were going to a barbeque later, so Lauryn asked me to read for her. The thing with that, is that i dont know if im reading her cards properly, or if im just making it up. Until we were on our way back to her place, and i was like, WHOA. What i read for her was very acurate. Hopefully with practice i can learn to read more into the cards, and pin point things better. im very pleased. So were on our way out the door, and then stuff happens, and then we eventually get out the door, and my car battery is dead, because i have left my lights on... GAH. So then we had to wait an hour for a boost... blah blah blah, we get to the bbq, and i had fun, even though i had never met any of these plastic people. Lol, jk Lauryn ;) We spent the evening telling dirty jokes, and it was good times. Oh ya, and uh, There was this gay guy, and he was like cutting his bread like this, and i think he was like with his grandma or something cuz of the way he was like talking. LOL.

ttfn, Jaryd

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hey there... So i have this person in my life who is acting like a complete fuck head. Why? its really not appropriate. grr for him.

yes ok..

ttfn, Jiggy