Monday, September 27, 2004

so... i have worked at penningtons before my official orientation. they woke me up on sunday to murder my feet. it was good times. tonite was my orientation which i missed keystone for, but apparently we didnt do anything anyway. I think it will be fun. Shopping for someone else and making them look good. mmhmm. good times. i bought new shoes today!!! theyre so cute. they ripzones, which i like, and theyre greyish with a touch of pink (heh)... i cant wear pink clothes, so ill put it on my feet. theyre comfy... inspired by my job... cuz damn it im not wearing the black ones there again... BUT I GOT NEW SHOES!!!

thats all... and i got another mark over ninty in social. im excited.

ttfn, Jaryd

borrowed from somewhere on nexopia... :S


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