Friday, September 10, 2004

So... I, officially, have closed a chapter of my life. And there is no way i can go back now... I mean, for over a year now i go a relive the whole experiance. And just tonite, i realize that that is over. Gone. So i made everything -with the exception of this blog- go poof. All I have now is the memories and how it has changed me. YAY! I feel... liberated. Its not the first time ive done this, but it just feels good.

On a good note as well... I bought The Rocky Horror Picture Show on DVD. IM SO EFFING HAPPY! YAY!

and yet another good note. I made cookies tonite. Melt in your mouth cookies. mmm

I guess i had a pretty good day. I handed out a couple resumes too... so we'll see.

thats all for now...

ttfn, Jiggy!

PS: i did not make any icon that is animated... :)


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