Friday, September 17, 2004

Soon it will stop raining...


Last nite was really awesome. Katy invited me to come with her and her friends to ladies nite at Coyotes cuz she got a limo package. So that was cool. Events of the evening include, lap dances, nudity, loud music, my first shot of tequila (which was awesome btw), groping, etc. Good times all around!!

I dont really have much to say. Ive been keeping busy with school and such. Ya know, going to football games and watching my fav team lose all the time. Its good. I was gonna stop by Tristans house on the way to the game, but i have a surprise for him and at that time i didnt have it on me. Perhaps some other time. Oh ya, i got a "goody bag" at ladies nite. We all got bed head stuff, which is super awesome hair products, i like them a lot anyway. So ya. word.

Oh the life of an over grad... So simple. So nice. So happy.

ttfn, Jaryd


OH YA! a quote for you to!!!

"Charting the unknown possiblilities of existance." I really liked that...


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