Thursday, September 02, 2004

Heyo. So ive had an interesting few days... Lets recap, yes? (even if you said no, im recapping)

Monday... What did i do monday... Oh ya, i went out for coffee for 3 hours which was good times. **Quote** "You can't go wrong with water falling from the sky"** Then i saw the exorcist with Ian and Dustin and Kelsey... Gah.

Tuesday... I went out for coffee (hmm, pattern?) with people from Keystone which was good, and very very sad. The leader, Joe, who ive known for 10 years is going back to university to become a teacher... Im so sad. This guy is amazing. Hes gonna do great things, but im gonna miss him so much! Then i went to see Without a Paddle, which was sooo funny. Then I went to Crescent Hill, which is so freeking pretty at nite time... :D

Wednesday... I went over to Lauryns for the day. I mean for the day, i havent done that in a while. Gone to someones house for 12 hours and not spent the nite. Crazy, i know... lol. So ya, we hung out, we had a TON to talk about. It was crazy, i think we spent the whole afternoon talking. Then we were going to a barbeque later, so Lauryn asked me to read for her. The thing with that, is that i dont know if im reading her cards properly, or if im just making it up. Until we were on our way back to her place, and i was like, WHOA. What i read for her was very acurate. Hopefully with practice i can learn to read more into the cards, and pin point things better. im very pleased. So were on our way out the door, and then stuff happens, and then we eventually get out the door, and my car battery is dead, because i have left my lights on... GAH. So then we had to wait an hour for a boost... blah blah blah, we get to the bbq, and i had fun, even though i had never met any of these plastic people. Lol, jk Lauryn ;) We spent the evening telling dirty jokes, and it was good times. Oh ya, and uh, There was this gay guy, and he was like cutting his bread like this, and i think he was like with his grandma or something cuz of the way he was like talking. LOL.

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you care for a garnish with your gay?

5:47 p.m., September 02, 2004  
Blogger Jiggy said...

oh i love garnish!

3:05 a.m., September 04, 2004  

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