Sunday, September 12, 2004

So, heres the thing. Im really happy. I have no real reason to be, but i figure if nothing is super unhappy, then im gonna be super happy. It works in my mind... and thats all that matters. So ya. Yesterday was busy for me. Lotsa stuff happened. I woke up early to go to a barbeque for the MS society, which was fun, was pissed cuz i had to leave to go to camp chief hecter. My mentor group thing went to do the high ropes course. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we went to climb up poles walk acrossed narrow things and the just let go, and fall. Ya, that was fun. As a result i am in mild pain this am. And i couldnt figure out why because when i got back into town i went to Jeremys party. So when i got home today, i made a comment about why i couldnt figure out why my upper body kinda hurt, and shes like cuz you did the high ropes course yesterday. I had completely forgotten about it. ok, now that i have rambled on about nothing for too long. AND YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have successfully managed to forget someone!! that sounds horrible. But i needed to. Not completley forgotten, but temporarily. YAY!!!!!!!!!! im proud of me!

ttfn, Super Jiggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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