Thursday, September 09, 2004

SO EXCITED! I have a job... And they just know me. Its awesome. I cant even explain. I met another Artistic Director. Im just excited. NO WORDS... except the next ones.

Uh... i dont remember what i was gonna say!

I wish to give a couple shout outs...

Tristan, yo. STAY CALM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Jeff... i misses you... what with only the onlineness and such... *sigh* tee hee!!

Lauryn... *DOES GIRLY DANCE* im so happy for you!

Em: Gin is not my friend...

Shout outs will be continued later... i must be sleeping.

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I MISS YOU JIGGY! I can't fold maps without you!

6:22 p.m., September 09, 2004  

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