Tuesday, September 21, 2004


So, tonite, i made a bad decision. I decided to go digging in the past. Not so much digging, but reading. I thought it would be fun to say on this day one year ago _________. Not so much. Lesson learned, moving on.

I cant wait to get my illegal copy of the Killers *cough cough* REMINDER! *cough cough* :D (i hope all went well btw)

I have an interview tomorrow, I REALLY REALLY want to work there. 50% off clothes. That is just happy. I hope i get it.

I started reading a book. Its called Utopia by Sir Thomas More. Its been on my book list for a long time. So im happy. I spoke of socialist ideals when i was in elemtary school. I think thats funny...

Thats pretty much it. Im a loser now without high school. Ian and Dustin and i were talking and we all agreed. All we do, is sleep, go to school and work. Waafuckinghoo.

ttfn, Jiggy....


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