Sunday, July 25, 2004

Hello... So yes. Parental Units are out of town for another nite. Im very proud of myself not having any parties. Ive been the daughter they think i am. Ive had fun though. Last nite Lauryn stayed over and we watched (and by we i mean i fell aslpeep) Blue Collar Comedy Tour. I also took Ian to the football game which was fun. I miss him muchly. It was so fucking hot. I got a burn. But today its mostly a tan. SO YAY!

This morning, we ate chocolate ice cream for breakfast whislt watching Two Weeks Notice (a good chick flick...) Now I am downloading sappy songs. Its fun...

ttfn, Jaryd

(PS: Tristan, do you wanna go for a slurpee tonite? :D)


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