Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Call me Crazy if you want...

there were signs today. I tried to ignore them. But i knew they were there. For example, I said i only see you 364 days a year... but you are in town for 3 days. The theory of bad timing was always popping up. Someone said they didnt have any lint. And the biggest one of all was the Elevator... It wasnt working today. Today was supposed to be the day. But i figured it out too late. Yesterday was today and i treated it like yesterday. If i had known it would be like that i would have, wait, no i wouldnt have. Yesterday was yesterday. We planned too far ahead. We cant control everything. Especially our futures, whether they be together or not. Its just bad timing. All of it. It feels so right though.
One day i will look back on this and say, see... I wasnt crazy. We just had to wait for the right time. Then we will get our movie ending. Or maybe im just an emotional mess right now. I hope you know i love you. and everytime i see you its like you never left and we just picked up where we left off... under the stars.

ttfn, Jaryd


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