Wednesday, July 28, 2004

You. You who can make me cry and laugh in the same conversation. Is that normal? Because its very emotionally straining. Oh well. It needed to be done anyway. The ultimate stress relief besides murder.

I seem to be extremely emotional lately. I dont like it. It makes me feel bad about myself and then i dont want to be around anyone. This is especially hard because im in a play. It's hard to be alone in that situation. But anyway. I dont really feel like talking. Im in a box...

ttfn, Jaryd...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jaryd! It's Mumtaz! How are you??

4:55 p.m., July 28, 2004  
Blogger Jiggy said...

Hi Mumtaz, whats up homey... add me to your msn... I assume you have msn.

9:56 p.m., July 29, 2004  

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