Wednesday, July 21, 2004

So... Last nite i was utterly depressed cuz i was supposed to be going out with Cory on his last nite in town. Then his mom made him stay home to spend time with his aunt. I didnt think i would see him again. Then at 1145 Dan(my director)'s cell phone rang and he said, "Jaryd, if you could meet Cory at 12 at Centre Court, he would appreciate it." There was no way i could contain myself, i kinda screamed, but a lil girly scream... And then, I walked up the stairs from our rehearsal hall and there he was. Just for me. I gave him a hug obviously and we set out on our last hour together. It was lovely. We made lots of plans for the future, which is weird cuz i dont really plan into the future. Especially after University. I have never felt like this. I want to throw up. Hes gonna try and come down to see my performance. ***NOTE*** Im performing in a play at the Engineered Air Theatre on July 30, 2004 at 430pm, you are invited, but let me know if you are coming***NOTE***. I hope he can because 2 days isnt enough. But even if he cant come down, Jolene told me that i could take the car and drive up to see him in August. Im so excited. Now i just have to plan it out. And hes gonna come visit me too. Now i want to cry, vomit, and smile. Oh wait, i cant stop crying and smiling. Its weird, but great...

The book im reading is awesome. Theres a quote in it, that i read today (which is really perfect timing for the way im feeling) and i shall type it for you now.

"According to quantum mechanics, the heavy particles that make up atoms behave in peculiar, unpredictable ways. Sometimes they orbit, sometimes they act like waves. Sometimes two particles a million miles apart will interact with each other with no obvious connection between them." " I cannot accept that you can touch someone's core ... and not see him again. It's inevitable that we will orbit once more."


At about 5 pm i was sitting at Baraka with Jason and Lauryn and all of the sudden it felt like someone took a long pointy object and stuck it in my heart and out my left arm. I thought i was having a heart attack. I yelped in pain. Then it was gone. It was weird. Anyone have any ideas? I think i know what it was... but i dunno.

If i could stop the tab from automatically being on i would. Just so you know... Have a good nite guys...

ttfn, Jaryd


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