Thursday, July 29, 2004

Hello Blog and blog readers alike... Im so tired. I can barely type... But of course i wont go to sleep... Today i got really frustrated and had to leave the line run we so desperately needed at lunch. I dont think i have ever felt so defeated, it just wasnt worth my time. It sucked. Tomorrow is the play. Im not as nervous as i was earlier on in the week, but still. This morning Dan was in the theatre and everyone was goofing around backstage and i went out there and asked if he needed any help, he said he needed a hug. How upsetting is that. For me it was very upsetting because he has been a big part of my life for five years. Anyway, i know my lines, so thats all i can control right. Right.

I want to give a shout out to my homey T-Dawg for helping me with various umm, "tasks" over the past couple of days. Word to yo' Momma, yo.

Tomorrow is the last day i will perform on that stage. This is the third time i have said that statement in the past 4 months. Everything thing i have known to be constant is gone. Its all been taken away from me with the passing of one date in time. Poof. Onto the next stage which will also disappear inevitably. Whats the use? Oh ya, thats right, "all the world's a stage"... mmmyes....

I was sitting in Baraka this am with my second coffee of the day with nothing to do. Then I re-wrote my quotes from "The Notebook" and sat there. Then POP! ***write write write write*** "How am I supposed to move on, when you're the only thing that moves me." I thought it was clever.

That being said i must be off to bed. Gotta perform in a play tomorrow... 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Break a leg hun <3
Wish I could be there.


11:02 p.m., July 29, 2004  
Blogger Jiggy said...

Thanks darlin'.

11:26 p.m., August 02, 2004  

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