Wednesday, October 01, 2003

So, I got out of rehearsal. Went to my car. And thought. Hey, Cory said he might do the fall course of theatre calgary (which was where i was going). Then i thought, why the hell would he drive, or rather be driven, over 3 hours for a 2 hour class. And with that I sighed and drove away. The thought was still in my head when I got downtown and I wish it hadnt been. I wanted so badly to walk through the door and be greeted by him. The person i spent 3 full weeks with. The person who decided we were "a happy couple" for those 3 weeks. I feel like i lost a bestfriend this summer. And i shouldnt have been sad that he wasnt there cuz i knew he wouldnt be. grr... I miss him and grr. I did however get to catch up with one of my homeboys from there. It was funny. and sad, cuz of memories.

New thought #1: After being Satan for a psychology 20 class, i felt a little bad. I mean, I make her out to be a bitch all the time and shes really not. Just most of the time. For example, I came home from theatre calgary and she was all like blah blah blah, tc is more important than the play because i pay lots of money for it... waw waw wawwawwawwawwawwawwaw... i dont care. grrr

New thought #2: Angel makes me happy...

example 1. (on a touch tone recording) To sacrifice a loved one or pet press 1
2. "I have no problem spanking men"
3. Fired = set on fire
4. "You are not cute when I'm angry"
5. "is it the sound of talking that offends you?"
yes... good nite everyone... I hope to take to car tomorrow on the grounds that i dont have a bus pass yet... hehehe
ttfn, Jaryd


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