Monday, September 29, 2003

Ok so I love my new cd... SO HAPPY. I also was thinking that ever since Jr. high, it has been said that, if a person offers to light your cigarette it means that they want to get into your pants. If that is so, It makes everything so much funnier! hehe... i cant stop smiling, i dont know why, but i cant!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA, bye guys. Also, kelsey is a whacko! I dont quite remember why... but OH YA! cuz she said in her blog that 20/30 year olds were to old for her. Which means they didnt look like James dean, but maybe the kid did. Maybe he had big huge ears like James Dean did when he was little. If thats the case. KELSEY IS DURTAY!!!!!!!!!heh not only is it old men, but its children too!!! I told that ice cream lady that no one could help her!!!

ok, so it only took 7 sad songs in a row to get rid of my smile... meh... its sleepy time anyway :D
ttfn, Jigs


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