Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Natas has returned.

And is happy...

I dunno how long it will last but trust me, im worshiping it! AND my car is ok!!! its running louder cuz of the exhaust. which is better than i was thinking. AND Jolene is gonna make me a set of keys for the car!!! IM SO HAPPY! THAT IS MY CAR! AND I THINK I CONVINCED HER NOT TO SELL IT! YAY!!! She went to the U of Vic to scout things out. And proceeded to buy me a u of vic coffee mug and an agenda... FOR THIS YEAR! AN AGENDA!!! NO FUCKING PRESSURE JARYD!!! I JUST BROUGHT HOME SOME PAROPHENILIA FROM A SCHOOL YOU DONT EVEN ATTEND!!! I mean, what the hell happens if i dont get in? Am i gonna send that shit back?...psycho.

On a different note...
WHO THE FUCK SHOOTS SOMEONE OVER FOOTBALL? I mean, can you imagine if every time the stamps lost someone shot there son? There would be A LOT of dead people! What the fuck is wrong with the world? Umm ya, my favourite team lost a game... im gonna get drunk and shoot my son! fuckin americans...
Tyler... You can officially send me emails WHENEVER you please!!!!:D
ttfn, Jaryd


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