Thursday, September 25, 2003

Today was so whacked. Seriously seriously twisted. I was fine until english when someone guided me to remember something I pushed into my sub conscience so that I wouldnt have to deal with it. Then Something just clicked in Social after lunch. I walked into class, sat down and silently did my work. It wasnt until my teacher asked me if i was ok that i realized I wasnt. SO i told her that i was sad and she was genuinly concerned, i told her that it was personal but thanked her. For a while i couldnt figure out why she came over and confronted me. Normally in her class I laugh a lot and rarely do my work. It must have been so odd for her to see me like that and thats why she came over. Then a gurl i shall refer to as a friend i suppose told me that it just wasnt like me to sit there and actually be productive. It was kinda funny and kinda sad. Everyone assumes Im always happy, always smiling and always having durtay thoughts running through my head. It may surprise you, but thats not always the case. For the most part I would rather keep people out, then allow them to worry about me. Anyway, Crying for no reason is quite disheartening. I mean obviously theres a reason for it, but do you ever just get sad for no apparent reason? Thats what happened. Boo for that, I hate it.

I went to a world premiere tonite from a small theatre company. It was so fun. Definatly childrens theatre but still fun cuz im still, and always will be, a child at heart. I met everyone involved with the show including a young talented boy. It was kinda weird cuz they all knew who I was and I had NO IDEA who they were. It was good times though. I suppose thats all besides the fact that Im heading in the wrong direction and i need to be turned around.
ttfn, the invisible one


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