Sunday, September 28, 2003

So here i am... again... at the unspeakable place.... listening to various geeks say... "aww fuck man, something just shot me!" and i think this is the 4th time that i have heard "Im so into you" I MEAN WTF!!!!!!! anyway... at least im not wasting my money. Kelsey has decided to be a LOSER AND PAY FOR EM AND I. anyway. Movies are fun times. Im just not a big fan of watching scary movies in theatres cuz i have a tendency to scream and grab things when im scared. I did pretty well tonite though. I was given many opportunitys to cry agony but only chose one to respond to. And thats only becuase not only do i not like big eyes, i ESPECIALLY dont like big red possessed eyes that read "IM GOING TO EAT YOU!" scary... Oh ya! My car was smoking on the way to renees... APPARENTLY my mother would like to destroy my boink car by not checking the fucking rad fluid once in a while... grrr... hopefully my car gets better...:( so ya... i just said yo twice in the same sentence. WHY??? WHY THE FUCK WHY??? i need to stop coming here... OMG! so we stopped at timmys cuz i have yet another addiction... And we (Kels, em and I) we sitting on my car just having a happy fucked up time(yes we were beat boxing) when all of the sudden this creepy man comes along and says thats really good. Then he got in his car and continued to sit in it with the window rolled down...Staring at us... He didnt even stop when we got in the Hot Mobile! STILL.. then i raced away scared for our loves. It was kinda funny though... Not as funny as Tristans story...hehe... fag mag :P
anyway... Im a loser for being talked into this so i shall be going...
Peace out dawgs!


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