Friday, September 26, 2003

It was lovely. I didnt feel like going home right away afterschool, so I went to a small cafe in kensington, you all know what Im talking about. Anthony wasnt there which didnt bother me too much, so I sat out on the patio reading the paper. It was quite serene. Then a little birdy hopped onto the table I was sitting at and I said to myself ' I love Kensington'. A nice afternoon to myself. I dont have enough of those. I shall be off now. I must go finish satans room. one thing though, she left for a vacation and gave my momma and i a list of shit to do around the house. What a whore, Im quite bitter about it, mind you i owe her $80 and if i finish all of it i dont owe her anything... meh... she'll just find other ways to exploit me.
ta ta, Jig


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