Saturday, September 27, 2003

What an Interesting nite. I finished painting satans room. I like it... Maybe ill just take over her room... then I will have two!! Have you ever had a conversation with someone where at some point you wish you had something brilliant and concluding to say, but the words arent there. I had that kinda conversation today. It made me sad. Not only the actual conversation but the fact that I wish the world was perfect and no one anywhere was suffering in any which way. But that is not possible because perfection does not exist. How do you make someone feel better when you dont have an emotional thesaurus at your disposal. You cant. All you can do is keep on talking to them and learn as much about the world, as the see it. Then maybe one day you will have the words to say that will make it right, or sub conciously send them to you so you can discover the truth on your own. I dunno, blabbering again... I shall go watch some comedy and laugh myself to sleep for a change.
Endless Hugs,


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