Sunday, October 26, 2003

:: how jedi are you? ::

:: how nintendo are you? ::

Best quiz ever only for this fact "get out of my face, god, before i lay some holy smackdown on you." oh my... im going to hell...

Ok so im about to blog about my job... this will be fun...

Ode to the BP's Customer...
To the cheese lovers. I loathe you. You pizza loving, baked with cheese, nacho fuckers...
To the dip requesting none finishers, fuck you.
To the salad bar eaters. Finish all of the god damn salad. I have a white mystery stain on my pants that i pray to god is ranch dressing. Ranch dressing that you NEGLECTED to finish! fuck off.
There is also a huge sticky section on my pants... Now. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS OR HOW IT GOT THERE... its not happy. I assume it was from one of you lazy bastards who eat out so that you dont have to do the dishes. Do you not realize that SOMEONE IS DOING THEM FOR YOU?! in short... Fuck you you fucking fucks.

Ahhh... i like my job. It fun. I realized on friday nite, about 4 hours into my shift, that all of the people i work with are male. Fun... Fun... Fun... :D:D:D:D they are all super nice too... Definatly sum cute ones as well. I enjoy working with the kitchen staff, for example... I was sitting with a few people and this chick said something that made her want to knock on wood, but there was no wood, so she said "fake wood real wood, doesnt matter" then a guy replied with "if it looks like wood, its good" MAJOR QUOTES... good times.

Working pretty much alone is kinda fun. I get to be alone with my thoughts. I dunno if thats the best thing, but i get to think about things and then say to myself "im gonna blog about that".

So... I realized, while washing dishes, that i have been in many "pits" in my life. In the past 3 years I have been in the "smoke pit" the "drama pit" and now... the "dish pit". This got me thinking. Why the hell is everything refered to as a "pit". some denotations of this word are, a hole in the ground, an abyss, hell, an enclosed area in which animals are kept or made to fight and others, but you get my point. Why would anyone want to attach "pit" after the name of a place where they, forthemost part, enjoy themselves. Also, is that all life is? Going from pit to pit, hell to hell, until finally you die and you're actually in hell (if it exists). Whats up with that. I propose we make a happier word to follow our hang outs/jobs of choice. perhaps rainbow or lint... even better hehe... i dont wanna say it. I have avoided it all blog. so i wont. You all know me well enough to know what word im thinking of anyway. I dont even have to say it, it is just assumed that every entry has it in it. hehe..

I am so freeking Jealous. grrr for you and your brother.

lets see, what else can i add. Im kinda glad i pretty much spent the weekend by myself. OH! I found out last nite, well, at about 3 am this morning that my lil comment to my (very hot and sweet) supervisor had no negitive effect what so ever in my interview. Apparently i remind him of a very good friend. Which is cool. :) I get to wear this awesome chef jacket as well. It buttons up on the side... hehe... easily amused!!!

I should be way more tired than i am...

ttfn, Jaryd


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