Tuesday, October 21, 2003

ok... wow. A funny interview. First off, i met a very cute server. Then my interview which included the following.
Q: What kind of car do you drive?
A: 84 Lincoln Town car
Response from Q: Pimpin' it up (seriously, thats what he said, in my head i said Fuckin' rights) I used to have a car, then my gf smashed it up. (this was my only real "Jaryd moment of the nite cuz i responded with) "Ouch! How many of her gf's did u sleep with?" (probably not the best response on my part, but i thought it was funny) he responded with, It seems like youve been working here for months. So either ill fit right in or i should have waited a few months before saying that. lol.
Umm... lets see... I got to sing happy birthday to my questioner... fun times... lol
After the interview cute server boy was very interested in how it went... hehe... yay.
Anyway. THE CAR IS FIXED! and by fixed i mean runs. It still has a couple of little things that need fixin, but they should be good early next week, which means, that everyday in november... i get to drive... to school and anywhere else i need to go! YAY. EM WE GET TO PIMP IT UP EVERY FRICKEN DAY!... i have to pay for my own gas though...
AH HA! after re-reading past blog entries and realizing that Jeff is now IN drama society... I GET TO PUT HIS QUESTION IN THE BOOK!! YAY!...
hmm... what else to say... Tristan is a little girl... yes. That is all.
ttfn, Jaryd


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