Wednesday, October 22, 2003

My day full of theatery goodness...
I am exhausted. I went from english to Virginia woolfe (good, but a lil long. I met "Martha" as well. I was sitting outside and so i introduced myself.) to my theatre class (monologues... good times.) to paranoia(quite interesting. Funny and freaky. My favourite part was the dance to "Thriller").
Geez... There has been too much reference to feet today. 1. Virginia woolf had foot on leg action. 2. my character for my monologue is feeling that guys do gross creepy things all the time and the example Dan used was in reference to clipping their toenails on the bed. 3. Paranoia was a play about fears (obviously) and guess which fear they mentioned... mmmhmm feet... grr. 4. I told Tara about how i hate feet, then, she decided to tell me about her feet. I was like HELLO!! I JUST TOLD YOU I DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT FEET! I HATE THEM! FEET ARE FEET! silly people. hmmm... what else... One of the guys from my theatre class wants to come to Rocky Horror With us... good times. Oh, i wrote something today that i like. Most of the stuff I write is like, ya everyone else could have written something exactly like that. I dunno...
Kelsey i better get to find out wtf this so called present is. I hate being in the dark. It better not have anything to do with feet. So help me god ill freak out. And i mean a freak out that none of you have seen. Oh ya, feelin' crazy! That reminds me, i got alot of quotes from the 2 plays today. Maybe ill post some of them later. I remember one from Paranoia. It was, nothing bad happens to crazy people and thats because people are afraid of them. Maybe it was a, ya had to be there moment. At any rate i shall attempt the art of sleep. I should really master that one. It could be useful. Meh, in the words of Em and Tyler, Ill sleep when i die.
ttfn, Jaryd
Ps. I just said that it was "kinda long, but great" to Jeff... in reference to Virginia Woolfe of course!


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